Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Journal #12

        Today's American Dream can be different from person to person. I think that the American Dream is when you are at a point in your life when you are happy and feel as though you are at a point in your life you have dreamed of reaching. To reach this I think that first of all you must be happy with your family and friends. This means that you either have a family you have wanted, such as a spouse and kids, and friends that you enjoy being with and you feel as though they will be your lifelong friends.  Along with this, being successful in your life means being at a point or place in where you have been working towards. This could mean a number of things. This could be finally getting the house you wanted, or the dream job you have been working towards. Americans strive for success, and today success usually comes with money. Money drives many Americans today, and makes people feel as though they have made it.
        Over time I do not think that the American Dream has changed very much. I remember in twentieth century history class, we discussed the American Dream of the forties through the eighties. It was not to much different than what we have now. They dreamed of owning their own home, in the suburbs, and purchasing a car, which was a new thing at the time. They also wanted to be a successful working person. Unlike today however, It was typically just the men. Women working was much rarer that it is today. These along with others are very similar to what we have now, with the exception of owning a car, for the majority of people today.
        To me personally these things that are the modern American Dream are very similar to my own thought of the American Dream. I hope to one day be successful in my career, and have a family that I love, and surrounding myself with good friends.

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