Monday, November 26, 2012

Journal #19

Waving and standing tall above the ground,
The American flag easily found.
Many bright colors lighted the dark night,
As we remembered the soldiers hard fight.
The stars framing the fireworks up high,
As families and friends parted with bye.
Parades and festivals early that day,
have now been abandoned, no more have stayed.

On this day each year we think of the sound,
of Americans rejoicing around.
1776 was the height
of the Independence Day,  its first site.
Jefferson, Adams, and Franklin had sighed
As "Freedom from England!" the people cried.
But what makes this day worthy of such pray?
The release from England's ruling decay.

How do we celebrate a day profound?
With games, reunions, going to fairgrounds,
are all ways to celebrate with great might.
Sometimes airliners even take a flight,
High up above in the crystal blue sky.
To get along with all is what we try.
"The land of the free" is what we all say,
As we commemorate this holiday.

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