Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Journal #29

Nature is in control during natural disasters. During things such as hurricanes, tsunamis, or tornadoes, we as humans have absolutely no control. There is nothing we can do to stop them from happening or make them less powerful. The only thing we can do to have any hint of control is to protect ourselves and our homes and belongings. These disasters can do whatever they please with the world, and it is a scary thing that there is nothing anyone can do in order to prevent this. This is why many people are very afraid of these kinds of situations, when the power shifts from us to nature. Not only to natural disasters have total control, but when you think about it, nature in general has control over nature. We cannot prevent the rain or snow from happening. We must mold our lives around the weather, the weather does not mold around our preferences or feelings. When we refuse to conform to this mold, it presents a challenge we as people of a greater control must deal with the consequences for. This is a part of what makes nature so beautiful. Humans cannot change the weather and make it better or worse as we please depending on our moods, as we do with many things in our lives. We need to respect the way it is and think of it as a constant. As they say the only thing that is constant is change, and this is very true while making this point. When we are constantly changing, it is good to have some constants. Nature being in control of itself gives us that opportunity. Natural disasters and weather have such an influence on our lives, and I think that it makes people afraid to think about such an abstract thing having a greater control of our lives. It is like God,  only we can see and predict weather, but alike God, we have no influence or control over it.

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