Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Journal #32

Revolutions on the way we think and the ideas we have change every day We are constantly thinking of new ways to view a topic and form an opinion on it. As the world develops, we get more and more new opinions and idea of what is right and wrong. An issue from the past would be the civil rights movement we discussed in a previous journal. It used to not be acceptable to think that African Americans were as equal as white people. As the would changed, and ideas were revolutionized, we slowly but surely started to think that it may not be right to no include people who are humans, just like us, from the rest of the world. Today this is pretty much no longer an issue We have completely regularization an idea, and made it an accepted thing. A current issue that is very similar to the civil rights movement is the issue of gay rights As it is right now, gay people are only allowed to be married in very few states. This is pretty ridiculous considering that as African Americans are human, so are gay people. We have taken their rights away and that is one idea that needs to be changed. The only way that that change will happen is if we keep speaking up and out on what we believe and getting the revolutionary idea out there for other people to consider. To this can be very beneficial to you as well. To change someone's mind, or open their minds to a new idea that they may not have thought about before and now consider something that should be changed. This is what revolutionizing a thought is about, it is about making your voice heard d=so others can think about is, make their decision, and then in turn voice their own opinion. This is how revolution happens and the way to start is is to start with yourself.

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