Thursday, February 21, 2013

Journal #34

My self is something interesting to think about. It is a very deep concept that Whitman describes and uses in his poems. There are different versions of your Self, how you see yourself and how everyone else in the word sees you. I see myself as someone who is very private, and I like to deal issues by myself and not talk about things very much. I am friendly to most I think and I try to do so to everyone, no matter how my feelings towards them are. I think that I do so to everyone and I would hope that others feel I am nice to them. I revolve my world around what is happening now, and occasionally think about the future. To other people I think I may either come across as very shy, or rude. I have a very soft voice and I think people do not hear me sometimes, which makes them think that I am not listening. I think most people think I am friendly to a, and try to be funny, but sometimes people do not understand my humor. The concept that there is also a third self is very interesting. The third self is your spiritual self. I am not entirely certain what this is meaning, but Whitman believed that there was a circle, if you will, that things revolve around. He says that we represent ourselves and we represent our world, they represent us, and we are spiritual, and the spirits are us. This is a very very deep concept that Whitman uses in him poems, which would definitely explain why many people thought he was a little bit crazy. To think that we are the world and spirit, and ourselves is just downright odd. When we stop and think about it, it is true, we are everyone, and everyone is us. It honesty sounds pretty darn crazy if you ask me. I am me, they are we, he is me and we.

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