Friday, April 12, 2013

Journal #40

Today I do not know what to write about. I am now sitting in my chair in Mr. Langley's room freezing my butt off and trying to defrost my fingers. Right now Emily is sitting next to me and Mr. Tadla just walked into the room. It is getting really loud now because I think Connor almost just fell off of his stool behind me. The sound of fingers hitting keys is in the background as Emily plugs in her computer because it once again went dead. I am taking a break and talking to Emily about our soccer game last night. Last night we played North Mac. They were not as good as us, but we just could not seem to score, so the game ended in a tie. It was very frustrating, but that seems to be the theme for this season. During the junior varsity game, I am not sure if I have ever been so sore in my life. I had literal throbbing in my fingers from the could, despite the fact that I had gloves on. I tried to run, and it hurt my frozen feet so bad I had to stop. I even had plenty of layers on, but nothing was stopping that cold air. Hopefully it will heat up in the next few days like it had been before yesterday. I am now starting to warm up from my previous class, and most of the other people in the class have settled in. Now the only sounds are the keys pressing down as we type, a chair slide across the floor, and the occasional whisper. This class should be interesting because we are doing ACT prep. I would really like to know what the letters in ACT mean. I have always kind of wondered that. I am typing this on written kitten, and a very cute picture of a cat hugging a stuffed monkey just popped up. Well, I guess this is the end of my wonderful journal today.

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