Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Journal #41

A hero is someone that does things above the ordinary person, and does not expect a reward or praise for it. A hero is someone who thinks of someone else over themselves and does it strictly for another person and someone else. Heroes have changed a lot of the years. In the past, heroes were people such as, military leaders. Today I think that society has a distorted view of what a hero is. People see a hero as someone who is famous and is beautiful, but may or may not benefit society as someone else. In my opinion heroes are common people who are very selfless. An example would be in the recent news. Yesterday there were bombs set off at the finish line of the Boston Marathon. It was such a tragic event, and some of the runners finished their race, and kept running to the hospital to donate blood. In my opinion, these people are heroes. They did not think of themselves and trying to run to safety to save themselves. They said no, there are people hurting and seriously injured, and I am going to do anything I can to help. These people may have saved the life of a person injured in the accident because they were not thinking of themselves. I think these kinds of people are rare now a day. I also think that the true test of who is a hero is when it comes to things such as the Boston Marathon bombings, or instances such as these for true heroes to come out. The celebrities that people consider heroes did not do these things. Throwing up a tweet saying pray for Boston is nice and all, but that is not heroic. The heroes are people to talk the talk and walk the walk, if you will. I find people such as these, and not just in yesterdays incident, but anytime, not matter how big or small, the true heroes of our world.

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