Thursday, August 16, 2012

The Moon is Down: George Corell

               In The Moon is Down, a group of invaders from a large country invade a much smaller country. The town, which is never given a name, is very small and tight knit. Everyone knows everyone, and when something happens, word travels quickly. This is why when the townspeople found out that George Corell was the one helping the invaders get into the town, it makes it very shocking to them. The mayor was the first to find out that it was George that helped, and in a short period of time, everyone knew it was him (Steinbeck 418). George was a normal man about town; he was the storekeeper, so people trusted him and thought he was a genuinely good person. Little did they know, he had been plotting this for over two years and no one had a clue that he could do something like that. He had even made a list of everyone who had a firearm, and what kind it was. This way when the invasion took place, the invaders could easily confiscate them avoiding any chance of the town taking over again (Steinbeck 522).  After the town found out, George had to keep quiet and keep hidden. He did not know what the people would do if they got a hand on him. One person event threw a stone at him, but that was the least of his problems (Steinbeck 788). George went to Colonel Lanser and said he thought that if he became mayor, instead of keeping Mayor Orden in, he would be able to control the people (Steinbeck 812). He ends up being denied the position, but does not give up trying to get further and further higher in power. In the novel, George Corell represents the betrayal. He gained the town’s trust over a long period, and when no one expected it, he stabbed them in the back. This most likely made the town even more upset about the invasion.   

Steinbeck, John. The Moon Is Down, a Novel,. New York: Viking, 1942. Print.

*Kindle page numbers

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