Sunday, August 19, 2012

The Moon is Down: Question 5

            The Moon is Down reflects history very accurately. The novel takes place during World War II. Although it never directly say it, the introduction and putting it together shows that the invaders are Germany and the town is a little town in Norway. The soldiers, including the Colonel, Major, Captains, and Lieutenants, we can assume are the Nazis. They also discuss that there is a leader. They say the Leader has a very specific plan, and may or may not be a kind of crazy. Based on this, we can assume this crazy leader is Hitler. This is a World War II novel, so it is set sometime in the early to mid 1940’s. Since the novel was published in 1942, it must have taken place before then. The novel also discusses that the country is at war with England and Russia. This is another fact that proves the World War II was taking the place (Steinbeck). The book gives the reader a look into a different side of the war we do not typically hear about. The small town, which remains unnamed, is invaded for their mine and forced to work. This is very accurate, because this happened frequently during the war (Steinbeck). The novel also shows betrayal that took place during the war. In the novel, George Corell lived in the town, got to know the people, and gained their trust. When the time came, he turned on them (Steinbeck 418). This reflects history, because it was a tactic used in the war to invade smaller towns such as the one in the novel.
            The novel has symbolic and thematic significance. The novel symbolizes that everyone is human. Even the people, who can seem so evil, such as Hitler and the Nazis, are human and have human qualities and characteristics. Steinbeck describes the Nazis as dog lovers, poets, and family men (Steinbeck). This just makes them seem more human and less like monsters.

Steinbeck, John. The Moon Is Down, a Novel,. New York: Viking, 1942. Print
*Kindle page numbers

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